Daily Archives: September 16, 2011

Solution to win over Barcelona

The team saw by everybody as one of the best teams ever, Barcelona, can be beaten. Or at least that’s what some of the biggest names in football say. As a bonus, each of them has the right solution to win against them.

Adebayor said: “Mourinho told us that Barcelona’s 11 is not made ​​of robots, there’s no Robocop, keep in mind that they are also human and make mistakes when they lose the ball!

Solutions came also from Quique Sanchez Flores, Atletico Madrid coach: “You have to try to play in a limited space in order to prevent them from doing what they know best: playing with the lines. You have to fill this area with players.”

But can a team be that good? Kurban Berdyev, coach of Rubin Kazan had his opinion: “I studied a lot Barcelona’s games and I saw that Xavi and Iniesta don’t get down to help the defence. This leaves a space that you can take advantage.

Robin van Persi
e: “They are winning the matches with the help of the fans, because playing on Camp Nou, feels like Barcelona is playing in 12 players.

Even solutions come from many, the real true is that Barcelona managed to gather one of the best team and the best solution is the one found by Fernando Navarro: “To win with Barcelona you should pray more!
