Daily Archives: September 5, 2011

Cruyff starts another war

With the rivalry between Barcelona and Real Madrid, any spark could ignite the fire once again. This time, an old legend, Cruyff, the man who invented the spectacle football at Barcelona, thinks that if Murinho wants to win any trophy with Real Madrid, the only possibility for them is to move in another country:

The attitude showed by Murinho transmits a lot of helplessness and arrogance. The biggest problem for Real Madrid at the moment is that Barcelona exists.  If they would play in any other league, they would earn much more.” says Cruyff.

But can this be true? Barcelona conquered indeed almost everything and has no plans of stopping. The cost for all that trophies is hard work and a good leadership. One of Barca’s new acquisition, Cesc Fabregas, explains:

Everyone sees the goals but they don’t pay attention to the other things, in particular, when we talk about defense. I’ve never seen a team more focused in the transition between offence and defence. To play against Barcelona is very complicated but to play for Barcelona it’s even harder.  The thing that makes me wonder is their ability of hiding everything and makes it look easy.

So let the ball spin!
