Daily Archives: July 18, 2011

Argentina disappoints

One of the reasons is that they come to national team bored and without the appropriate mood to play. They say that it’s time for young people that are hungry for victory.

An entire country points Messi and Tevez as the first responsible of the failure on Saturday, in the game against Uruguay in Copa America (1-1, 4-5 on penalty.

Elimination of competition is seen as a “national failure” by the country’s most important newspapers, Clarin, Ole and La Nacional, which sweep away the current international and require new faces to batch.

The years past from the last triumph of Argentina in Copa America reached number 18 (1993)

Let Maradona come back!”

The current coach, Sergio Batista said: “We always said that the most important is the World 2014″. “But a Copa America in your country is not important?” After a survey made, the result shows: 86 percent of the 2,000 participants are against Sergio Batista and they want Maradona back!
