Daily Archives: July 16, 2011

Fabregas wanted badly!

What first started like a simple business, turned into a real TV serial, with the actors in role: Barcelona, Arsenal and Fabregas. But now, new actors want in!

Fabregas’s transfer to Barcelona has become a target for the whole city. Even a mayor is involved in the business trying to change Arsenal’s mind. Arsenal is accused that keeps Fabregas like a hostage. And the accuser is Estanislau Fors, mayor of Arenys de Mar, the birthplace of Fabregas.

We all want Fabregas to return to Barcelona because he lives in what is now called kidnapping! If Arsenal are those of the English gentleman should stop with such behavior. Must cease to be clowns because their behavior disorients all! “Fors said.

Arsenal refused an offer of 41 million euros for the midfielder although he made his intentions clear, that he really wants to go to Europe’s champions, Barcelona.

Cesc Fabregas signed with Arsenal in September 2003 at the age of 16. Following injuries to key midfielders in the 2004–05 season, he established himself as Arsenal’s starting central midfielder and playmaker. After 8 years he wants back home.
