Daily Archives: May 25, 2011

About corruption,by FIFA

Sepp Blatter promises a serious reform in terms of acts of corruption, although admits he was given an envelope with money when he was secretary general of the international forum.

Sepp Blatter has announced it will present next week at the FIFA Congress, several proposals regarding corruption in football. Blatter says he was never involved in corrupt practices, but admits that in the past, though he was offered a sum of money.

“I received an envelope at a time, when I was secretary general, and in this envelope was a sum of money. I could not refuse because the envelope was put in my pocket. Then I came home to FIFA, and I gave the money to our financial manager, which placed them in a bank account, after which he notified the person that gave me the money, that the sum is there, and after several days, the money have been withdrawn. Please don’t try to give money to someone at FIFA “ said Blatter.

Will this acts reform football? Will it be fair play for all not only for those with money? Only time will tell!
